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Home Affairs warns of ID verification scam

Members of the public have been warned of people pretending to be Home Affairs officials so they can gain access to their homes to rob them.
The scammers are in possession of letterheads purportedly from the Department of Home Affairs and claim the purpose of their visit is to confirm the validity of IDs ahead of the 2019 general elections.
They then rob the unsuspecting members of the public of their valuables, said the Department of Home Affairs.
The scammers are in possession of letterheads purportedly from the Department of Home Affairs and claim the purpose of their visit is to confirm the validity of IDs ahead of the 2019 general elections.
There is no initiative of this nature.
“We don’t come to your homes to validate your IDs, you come to us, as citizens, for IDs and other services,” acting Home Affairs Director General Thulani Mavuso said in a statement.

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