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Senior citizens taken on excursion by police

In an effort to strengthen relationship between the Rietgat SAPS and the senior citizens within the its policing precinct, the station has taken the elderly on an excursion in conjunction with the City of Tshwane, SOTOA and SOLDTA. The station saw it fitting to take the senior citizens during an open day for the elderly at National Zoological Garden in Pretoria recently.
The purpose for the trip was to allow the elderly to unwind and speak out on issues that they often find themselves victimized in their households which mainly results in domestic violence About 35 elderly people undertook the trip and they were on top of the world treated as royalty.

National Zoological Garden in Pretoria 

 Out of the 35 senior citizens, only 14 have visited the Zoological Garden before while 21 of them were exposed to the spectacle of seeing wild animals at close range for the very first time.
 “The Rietgat SAPS would once again extend its gratitude to the City of Tshwane for creating a platform between the elderly and SAPS as well as to SOTOA and SALDTA for assisting in transporting the senior citizens to the zoo” Said Captain Stephens Maluleka

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