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Second Chance deadline looms

The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has reminded learners considering writing the matric second chance examinations to register ahead of Thursday’s deadline.

“Registration for this second chance opportunity to write or rewrite the Matric examinations closes on 31 January 2019. As the Department of Basic Education we would encourage all learners who want to take up this opportunity to go to the departments’ website or their nearest district office and register before 31 January 2019,” said the department.

Basic Education Minister, Angie Motshekga

The June examination period is intended for learners who have not completed their matric, but also those who want to improve their results and write a supplementary examination as well as those who failed their matric.

There are a number of online resources at the disposal of learners to assist with their studies and give them the best possible chance of success.

Learners can visit and click on the link to register for the Amended Senior Certificate examinations at the bottom left of the DBE website homepage.
This will link learners to an online registration portal. Alternatively learners can visit their nearest district education office and register in person there.

“As the Department of Basic Education we would encourage all of those who qualify to take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity to attain a Matric Certificate which could be the gateway to a better life.”

Learners can obtain the full list of district offices, contacts and locations on the department’s website using the following link:
Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga launched the Matric Second Chance Support Programme to afford learners who failed to pass last year's exams another chance to obtain their matric. 

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