Tips to assist consumers to spend wisely during the festive season:
- Draw a budget for the month and include all debt, rent, electricity, water, insurance, transport, gifts, entertainment, etc;
- When going shopping, have a shopping list to avoid buying unnecessary items;
- If you didn’t budget for a holiday earlier in the year, it might be too late and risky in terms of finances to go on holiday this year;
- Prioritise your home loan and rent;
- Before you cancel any insurance, speak to a financial advisor;
- If you borrow money, make sure you borrow only for what is strictly necessary, and ensure that you can afford the repayments;
- Start saving for next year’s projects that you would like to undertake such as holidays, renovations, studying, big sales, etc;
- If you are battling with your debts, contact a registered debt counsellor for assistance; and
- As much as possible, during the festive season keep to your normal spending patterns. Don’t make drastic changes that may leave you over-indebted in the New Year.